What Are Examples of Entrepreneurs with Good Prospects Today?

What Are Examples of Entrepreneurs with Good Prospects Today? : Today, there are all kinds of ways to start making money yourself. One way is to open a small business independently.

What Are Examples of Entrepreneurs with Good Prospects Today?

ASYIQUE : By having your own business, you can make money and learn to manage your own business. For that, consider some examples of prospective entrepreneurs below.

Examples of Entrepreneurs Who Have Good Prospects Today

The following examples of business ideas are very interesting and have good prospects today and can survive in the long term. So that you can continue to develop and your own profits will increase. 

Even though it started as a fad, the business you start can get bigger and become your mainstay business later.

So, to start an entrepreneurial business, the first thing you have to determine is the business idea or opportunity.

Here are some entrepreneurial ideas that you can try. 

Come on, see together!

1. Healthy Food Catering Business

The first example of entrepreneurship that still continues to have prospects is the healthy food catering business. Healthy food is the most popular thing for people nowadays.

Today, many people are starting to realize the importance of eating healthy food. So, seeing this kind of opportunity, you can try to open a healthy food catering business with as little capital as possible.

You can offer a variety of healthy food menu variants to customers. So they won't feel bored and your business prospects will continue to improve over time.

2. Selling Contemporary Drinks

An example of an entrepreneur that is no less interesting is the contemporary beverage business. The beverage business will never die. Especially with the weather conditions in Indonesia, which are very hot during the day, people cannot refuse fresh drinks.

So, so that your business can have good prospects, you can open a business with contemporary drink ideas that are sure to target young people as the target market.

These contemporary drinks are very varied, such as milk tea , boba, Thai tea , and so on.

3. Entrepreneur Credit and Data Packages

Credit and also data packages are the needs that most people are looking for at this time. This is because everyone already understands how important it is to stay connected with other people either through the internet or text or telephone.

For this reason, this example of entrepreneurship is very interesting to run. The prospects for the future will also be very good considering the large number of people who need credit or data packages.

Start with minimal capital first. After getting a profit, you can use this money to increase business capital from the credit business and also your data package.

4. Dropshippers

Then the next example of entrepreneurship is a dropshipper . The dropshipper itself is more about how do you find suppliers with the lowest prices and then buy in large quantities from these suppliers . Then, you will sell it back to customers at a higher price.

The difference between the purchase price and the selling price will be the profit of this dropshipper business . 

5. Snacks or Snacks

Furthermore, a business that also has very good prospects is the snack or snack business. These snacks or snacks are products that are in demand at various ages, both children and adults. Many people look for this snack as a companion to relax or study.

Seeing the high level of public interest in these snacks or snacks, you can start opening a business to make snacks with independent recipes with unique flavors. 

For the idea itself is very broad. You can start from sweet snacks for children, or you can also have snacks with a very cool spicy taste as a friend to relax.

For the recipe, you can find it easily on the internet. Just search for the recipe for the snack that you will make and a large selection of recipes will appear from various sources on the internet.

6. Printing

An entrepreneurial business that is no less interesting is the printing business. This one entrepreneur is quite heavy at first, but the prospects will be very good if it starts to run and develop.

It can be said to be heavy at first if you start completely from scratch. You have to start from procuring tools for printing, such as printers , copiers, paper, ink, and various other printing support facilities.

However, because printing activities cannot be done independently by everyone, the printing service that you offer can be said to be the right solution for those who want to print documents but don't have the printing equipment.

So, you don't need to be afraid that your printing business will be empty of customers. Surely there will always be customers who come to use your printing service.

7. Graphic Design

Graphic design is a field that is very popular among teenagers at this time. Many teenagers in productive age are involved in this one field. Apart from being used to operating design software on laptops, the results from this graphic design business can also be said to be very good.

To start it yourself, you can use a graphic design platform or you can also offer your graphic design services to people around you who need them.

As a beginner, don't set the price too high. Start raising your selling price later when many people have given good testimonials about your service.

8. Open tutoring services

The next example of entrepreneurship is tutoring or tutoring services. If you are an educated person and have good public speaking skills , tutoring services are perfect for you.

You can open tutoring for kindergarten or elementary school aged children. Or, if you really have more knowledge and teaching skills, you can open tutoring for middle school and even high school aged children.

This one business is a very prospective business because currently the school itself is a mandatory requirement for everyone. So that learning outcomes at school can be maximized, it is not uncommon for parents to still provide additional study hours outside of school hours.

Well, the role of a tutoring teacher is to ensure that the material that has been received at school is truly understood and understood. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that students already know and have a little understanding of what will be learned in the next meeting.

9. Photography Equipment Rental Entrepreneurs

Then, another type of business that had good prospects at that time was the photography equipment rental business. Even though there are already many smartphones that are capable of producing very sharp and good images, the results are still not as good as the camera used as a photographic tool.

This makes people who do not have qualified photo equipment feel the need to borrow photographic equipment in order to meet their shooting needs. 

Well, your services can be present as a solution to this problem. For renting your own photographic camera, it is usually in the range of Rp. 100,000 for one day. 

Before lending a camera, make sure you explain how to operate the camera and what are the accessories. Also make sure the tenant provides a guarantee in case the tool is not returned on time.

10. Tour Guide Services

The last example of an entrepreneur who also has good prospects is a tour guide service . Along with the rise of life from the pandemic, many people want to take vacations to various tourist destinations but don't know which places they should visit when visiting those locations.

So, as a tour guide , you can give directions to them which places are good and must be visited. You can also add transportation costs as an additional package in your tour guide service .

Which Entrepreneurial Example Is Most Suitable For You?
From the entrepreneurial examples above, which one do you think best suits you? Is it a food business? Printing? Or even other types of business outside the list above?

Whichever business you are in, make sure you feel comfortable with the business you are running. By feeling comfortable, you can feel at home running a business with totality so that you can continue to run it and continue to develop it.

Good luck!

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