Creating a Dummy Blog

Creating a Dummy Blog : Writing a blog for Dummies - Dummy blog is an important part in SEO optimization to raise the SERP of our main blog. As offpage SEO, dummy blogs will provide and improve the quality of the main blog backlinks according to the targeted keywords that we are targeting.

What is Dummy Blog? The meaning of the word dummy has many meanings, but in this case (SEO) a dummy blog can be interpreted as a help blog. The dummy blog was created with the aim of helping our main blog to get a stronger position on search engines, especially Google. With a dummy blog, we are free to link to blog articles or blogrolls because this dummy blog is our own. It's different if we put a link in the comments or forums or other blogs, of course there are rules.

Effective steps to create a dummy blogCreating a dummy blog is like creating a regular blog, it can be free or paid. However, because it is a help blog, you should choose a light and simple theme. The more dummy blogs we have, the greater our chance to help the main blog. Try the dummy blog with a different IP address from the main blog as well as other dummy blogs. For example, if the main blog uses blogspot, choose a dummy wordpress blog,, blogdetik, etc. (search on Google with the keyword free blog hosting) If the main blog target uses Indonesian, fill the dummy blog with articles in Indonesian. Make sure the articles are original and updated frequently, at least once every three days. Better yet, a topic dummy blog with the main blog. Dummy blogs also need good backlinks. The reason is, dummy blogs will provide good backlinks if dummy blogs are good. It should be noted that the main blog should not lead (give a link) to the dummy blog, otherwise all dummy blogs point to the main blog. And dummy blogs have a unidirectional relationship with other dummy blogs, not reciprocal. For example blog A -> blog B -> blog C -> blog D -> blog A.

Making the Most of Dummy Blogs

Although dummy blogs are often referred to as shadow blogs, fake blogs, the power of dummy blogs needs to be considered. Many bloggers when creating a dummy blog as a support for the main SEO blog, then create a dummy blog only for search engines, thus creating a mess of articles with composing sentences here and there so as to form articles. They think articles are only read by search engines not humans, the important thing is that the links are already linked. This is a big loss.

Dummy blog is also a blog like any other, it needs to be managed properly. If we create a dummy blog like the main blog, with unique content, lots of traffic, the chances of getting PR from Google and Alexa rankings are getting wider. Believe it or not, 10 dummy blogs with PR 2 will make the main blog have (min) PR 5.

On the other hand, if the dummy blog is doing well, many people do not know the status of the blog which is just a dummy blog. And we can get to make money by placing ads, PPC, paid reviews, or selling the blog.

Many well-known sites, especially business sites, create dummy blogs without us knowing. Create and manage dummy blogs seriously and patiently. Indeed, in learning seo techniques we must be patient and thorough. Hopefully these tips on creating a dummy blog can be useful for all who are learning, including me.

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