Choosing a Blog Post Theme

Choosing a Blog Post Theme : Choosing a blog writing theme may be slightly different from writing offline articles such as books, papers, writings, etc. In addition to differences in written media, the theme of writing on a blog can be dynamic, which means that the content of the writing can be changed at any time to keep up-to-date. While the offline writing theme, if there is a revision, will inevitably do a reprint or maybe create a new writing with the same theme according to the latest conditions. Although online blog articles can be revised at any time, it will have an impact on the blog's position on the internet, such as the possibility that search engine indexing will also change, even if it is done often, even worse problems will arise. Even worse, if you change the title of the blog article to be more in line with the latest theme. Before going further, it is best to know, what is the theme? Theme is the main idea or thought in a piece of writing. A writer first plans a theme that will later be applied in the making of a piece of writing so that its meaning and purpose are achieved. The theme has the same application as the topic, but the topic is usually more specific, tending to a paragraph.

Choosing a Blog Post Theme

There are actually no written requirements on how to write a blog post, unlike when making a scientific paper. Writing on a blog can use any style of writing, whether it's sleek or bureaucratic, it's up to you. But for sure, you should choose a writing theme . Why? A blog will exist more and more if it is visited by many visitors. Except for creating a blog for yourself or a limited environment. A blog is inseparable from the content of the blog, namely the article. Articles play an important role in attracting internet visitors. Well, to create an article on the blog, of course choose a writing theme that is interesting at the same time in accordance with the search trend. Facts have proven that more than 80 percent of internet users use search engines to find their purpose. In the sense that the desired information is more sought through a search engine than directly to a site or blog. For that, it is best to choose a writing theme adapted to the trend in the search engine. Here I tend to discuss choosing the theme of writing on a blog, not a site or website even though the margin of difference is getting thinner. For example, what you are reading right now is an article on a blog, different from the article on or other portal sites. And if you care about the blog you manage for the long term.

Tips for Choosing a Blog Writing Theme

Once again, we are free to choose the theme we will write about. It could be that in a blog there are various themes, whether it is your own writing or "copas" from other blogs. However, according to Google's webmaster, if our blog is specific with a writing theme that is still the same as the blog's theme, it will be preferred. It's up to you. Choose a timeless writing theme. A hot topic or trending at the moment may one day cause a decrease in both the search engine and the number of visitors to the article page. Write anything that is timeless or stale. Keep in mind that many people access the internet to find something related to their needs. A student often looks for something related to school work, a student because he gets a task from a lecturer. Every year there must be a change in the student or student, but the task may still be there. And it is possible that our article will still be used as a reference if it is still relevant and needed even though it was published several years ago. That's just a small sample. Create a catchy article title . But keep in mind that the title should reflect the content. Don't trap visitors with interesting titles and descriptions, but conflicting content. In addition to being shunned by visitors, it is also not good for search engines that are now getting smarter. The theme of writing on the blog also includes titles, topics and labels and tags. We have to be good at attracting visitors with those parts. We can take advantage of internet users who are happy with sensational headlines or who sneer at vulgar things even though we do not intend to make vulgar writings or pictures (18+). For example with the title "To make the blog look sexy". The word sexy may be a special attraction for visitors to click on our blog. Please think again, what other themes and topics will be needed and searched for by people all the time. Definitely not by cheating, cheating and misleading for blog visitors. Good luck choosing a blog writing theme and then write.
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