9 Most Effective Marketing Techniques to Increase Business Turnover

ASYIQUE : 9 Most Effective Marketing Techniques to Increase Business Turnover : In managing a business, of course you need marketing techniques , so that the products you offer get a place in the hearts of consumers. However, you also have to know, that the marketing strategy is not just one, you know . There are lots of methods that you can use to increase business income turnover.

9 Most Effective Marketing Techniques to Increase Business Turnover

9 Most Effective Marketing Techniques in the Digital Age

So, right away, here are the most effective promotion strategies that you can apply in the digitalization era:

1. Know the Consumers and Target Market

Before implementing marketing techniques in business, you need to know and master your target market and consumers first. Apart from that, you also have to do research to determine promotional materials and who is the target for marketing the product that you are going to do. 

If the target market is more specific, it will open up greater opportunities for a product to sell well in the market. This consumer and market research is also the first step in the promotion strategy. So that in the future, when the promotion process becomes more efficient and does not waste the promotion budget .

2. Product Planning (Planning)

In marketing techniques , you also need to plan the products you will sell. Product planning is also very important to determine the type of product, capacity, amount of production, materials you need, and production scheduling. So that the target market is met as a whole.

Product planning is also beneficial to the effectiveness of production results. In addition, planning is also able to minimize waste of production costs, as well as use of materials to make it more efficient. Lastly, this aims to maximize production time, to be more productive and more effective in terms of workmanship.

3. Pricing

Pricing is also very important in marketing techniques . In fact, the appropriate price will also increase sales turnover much larger, because the product is considered more affordable in the eyes of consumers. In addition, this pricing also affects the intensity of product sales, you know .

Just imagine, if you sell products at high prices, while your competitors sell the same products at low prices. Of course consumers will buy cheaper products for sure. So, determine the price of the product that is appropriate and affordable with a cheap impression in the eyes of consumers.

However, before determining the right price, you also have to do a calculation between production costs and other operational costs. This is so that the price of the product you offer has a commensurate profit with the production costs that you incur.

4. Choose a Strategic Business Location

Business location is a useful marketing technique , so consumers can more easily find access to buy products. Apart from that, a strategic business location can also open opportunities for the business you are managing to be able to develop collaborations or open new branches.

To be able to get a strategic business location, you need to find out the circumstances around the business location. Apart from that, you also need to do research regarding highway access to the location, so that consumers can easily buy products.

Choose access roads in the city center that tend to have high-intensity consumer mobility. However, of course the cost of renting a business location in the city center is more expensive than choosing a location elsewhere.

5. Do Promotions with Directions

So, if you have determined aspects related to production, selling price, and business location, the next step is to carry out promotions. 

Promotion is something that cannot be separated from marketing techniques , so that your business can grow.

Promotion also has a goal so that the product or business brand that you are managing becomes better known among potential customers. However, in the promotion process, you have to do it right and on target, OK ?

So that the promotion that you are doing is more effective and directly reaches many business target markets. Apart from that, you also have to do research on promotional targets and what media you will use as a promotional platform and introduce products to the general public.

6. Promotion on Social Media

Currently, in an era of rampant digitalization, promotions using social media, such as Instagram , TikTok , and Facebook are very effective media for reaching consumers. This is inseparable from the use of social media for people who have become a new lifestyle in the millennial era.

Take advantage of this social media as a marketing technique , so that the products you sell experience an increase in sales. However, in promoting on social media, you have to create marketing campaigns with interesting content. Be it visually, language, and also continue to prioritize product excellence.

In fact, many business people currently employ experts in the field of social media to carry out promotions and create marketing content on social media. You need to remember that promotions on social media must prioritize attractive visuals, so that consumers think that the product is of high quality.

7. Buzz Marketing

Buzzer is a marketing technique that is carried out by word of mouth. Usually, this buzzer strategy is carried out using consumers as the main subject. So, the one doing the promotion is the consumer. The form is the testimony of consumers who have used the product.

On the basis of this word of mouth testimonial, of course other consumers will be interested and curious about the quality of the product you are selling. 

8. Create Product Branding

One of the most effective marketing techniques in the digital era is creating a product brand . Brand means that the product you offer has a clear brand, so that consumers are interested in buying it.

This branding strategy is quite popular among big businesses, such as Coca Cola with its soda product brand , Converse with its shoe product brand , and many more. Apart from that, branding also functions as a business identity or product that you sell. So that consumers know, that the product has its own name.

9. Discounts

Finally, the most effective marketing technique for increasing turnover is the discount strategy. It's no stranger that consumers really like discounts. No matter how small, discounts or price cuts are things that can increase consumer purchasing power for a product.

Take advantage of this discount strategy by adjusting the selling price to the amount of the discount. In addition, before giving a discount, it's a good idea to make changes to the selling price first. So that the number of price discounts and product benefits is clear.

What Marketing Techniques Have You Implemented?

That's a complete explanation of the 9 most effective marketing techniques to increase sales turnover. You need to know, that in running a business, product quality is the most important thing to increase sales. Also, be sure to uphold integrity when marketing your product!

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