How To Build A Quality Blog To Earn Money

: How To Build A Quality Blog To Earn Money : Making money from the internet can be done in any way, one of which is from a blog. The usefulness of a blog is not only a place to write articles, but a place where you make money. How to get money from your own blog can be through various ways, such as through the Google Adsense pay per click platform or via endorsement from the seller.

Well, before you can make money, you have to make the blog with high quality. A quality blog will be trusted by customers and endorsers so that it will increase the opportunity to reap the coffers of dollars.

How to Build a Quality Blog

To be able to earn money from blogs, it is necessary to improve the quality of managing the blog. If your blog is of high quality, then you are talking about rupiah.

In this case, you cannot generate money from low-quality blogs, which is why maximum optimization is needed. Then, how to create a high-quality blog, let's look at the ways below.

1. Create the Best Blog Platform.

Creating a quality blog, of course, comes from the best and quality platforms. For the platform itself, you can choose many platforms, ranging from Blogspot, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, to WordPress.

Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you must first determine your own needs from the platform. If you need a platform with a beginner user level, you can choose blogspot or WordPress.

As for if you are still confused in determining the right platform, design, or layout then you can consult the Bikin.Website team as one of the trusted website creation service companies in Indonesia.

2. Create Useful and Interesting Blog Content

After you create a blog, now is the time to think about creating useful and interesting content in the eyes of readers. Useful content can be interpreted as being able to make readers find solutions through the articles you write. For example, such as sharing shopping voucher information or tips on managing finances from a mediocre income.

When readers search for a keyword on Google, it means they are expecting a solution to solve their problem.

Meanwhile, to create interesting blog content can be done by taking a unique point of view. Try to take a point of view that has not been discussed by other websites.

Next, make a creative title, because the title is the main attraction for readers. To convince readers in more depth, you can apply image visuals to the articles that have been created.

3. Improve the SEO Quality of Your Blog

One of the biggest sources of visitors to your blog is organic search from Google. Therefore, you must have good SEO quality so that the Google algorithm can read the contents of your article to rank up.

SEO optimization can be done by maximizing articles to appear on the first page of the Google search engine. The reason is, websites that appear on the first page tend to be clicked by more visitors.

4. Promote Blog on Social Media

In addition to finding readers organically through SEO optimization, you can take advantage of social media with a wider reach. There are various social media that you can use, from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Kaskus, and so on. The social media with the most potential to promote your blog is the social media with the most followers on your account.

For example, if you have a product or service with a target audience of millennials, it is highly recommended to promote it via Twitter and Instagram.

Meanwhile, if your target is the elderly, it will be easier to reach them using Facebook.

5. Keep the Trust Blog Readers trust

To win the trust of readers, then you must be consistent in creating content. Keeping the reader's trust can be difficult, but you have to do it. To judge the reader's trust in your blog, you can ask for suggestions, criticism, and constructive feedback.

Along with the development of technology, blogs themselves are no longer one-way but have a reciprocal concept that can lead to interaction. Well, take advantage of the combination of expertise and trust from users to sell products or services so that you get a commission.


Those are the stages of how to build a quality blog to get the coffers of money that you can practice. After you have done the five steps above, then you can start monetizing. The main source of blog income is Google Adsense and other income can be in the form of endorsements, selling, affiliates, and others.

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