How to Overcome Google Adsense PIN Not Coming

How to Overcome Google Adsense PIN Not Coming

MR JIM : Alhamadulillah today (08/12/2020) The love PIN from google adsense finally arrived after two requests for Google Adsense PIN verification. Maybe some of the visitors already know the function of the Google Adsense PIN and what is Google Adsense. But maybe other blogger friends don't know yet, therefore before discussing how to deal with a Google Adsense PIN that doesn't come, I will first discuss about google adsense.

What is Google Adsense?

In general, Google itself is a search engine that has dominated all parts of the world. Besides Google, of course there are other search engines such as Bing, Yandex, Yahoo, Amazon and so on, but Google is a search engine that is commonly used compared to others. There are many tools on Google itself, both premium (paid) and free (unpaid), such as gmail, blogger, google drive, google webmaster tools, google analytics, youtube, google maps, google translate, google photos , google adsense, google admob and so on.

Of the many service tools, there is a service from Google that can make money, namely Google Adsense. To work together and earn money from google adsense you simply register yourself as a google adsense publisher. By becoming a publisher, you can display ads from Google Adsense and that's where you will get money from Google.

From my experience, registering to become a publisher is indeed easy and difficult because the new policy by Google is very strict, plus Google does not tell in detail about our mistakes when registering and was rejected by Google Adsense. In general, we can register ourselves as a google adsense publisher in three ways, namely through a youtube account , blogger, and an android application from google play (Admob) .

The three methods have different policies, such as bloggers must have clear navigation menus (about, contact, privacy policy, disclaimer, and TOS), articles cannot be copied, have stable traffic, and templates must be responsive. With these provisions, Google will also review your blog in 2 stages, namely a review for compliance with these policies, and a review of ready-to-air ads. There are so many bloggers who give up on this stage 2 review, the article is often rejected by Google. We must be observant and careful so that our blog is accepted by google adsense. I myself have been very often rejected by google adsense even dozens of times rejected by google adsense. With determination finally accepted as well and currently has several google adsense accounts with different blogs.

As for being a YouTube publisher, you must at least get 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours for one year. If you are less than one year away from getting these conditions, then you can register as a YouTube publisher and your YouTube will be reviewed by Google Adsense for eligibility to become a publisher. At this stage, there are also many youtubers who complain because this review stage sometimes takes months without any clarity between being accepted or not as an adsense publisher. You have to be patient and always be patient.

For Google Admob itself, at least you must have an Android-based application, be it games or others, which will later be uploaded to the Google Playstore and you can register as an AdMob publisher to benefit from the application you create. For how to register as a google admob publisher myself, I have never experienced but to make it easy to register with google admob you can link your google adsense to google admob or switch to google admob.

First Steps to Get a Verification PIN from Google Adsense

After you become a google adsense pulisher you don't immediately get service and income (salary) every month, but you must always try and try so that the money in your google adsense is increasing day by day to the 10 USD threshold. It's different to get the money, it depends on your blog or youtube niche, how many visitors per day to visit your blog or youtube, and the popularity of your blog or youtube.

If at a certain time your money in your google adsense account has been collected with a minimum threshold of 10 USD, you will receive a notification to verify your identity. You are required to upload proof of your identity in the form of an ID card or driver's license. When uploading an identity, it must also comply with the provisions, one of which is that the ID card must be the latest version (not the old ID card that is still laminated), and the most important thing is to make sure the ID card that you have photographed does not have a light beam or light (glare) because this makes identity verification You will be rejected by Google Adsense. I've experienced it in the end, I have to be careful when taking pictures, don't set your cellphone camera with flash so that no light is impressed on the results of your ID card shots.

After successfully uploading your identity and in your email there is an incoming email from Google Adsense with a notification that it has passed identity verification, you will get another notification in the form of address verification and bank verification. It's better you verify the address first and leave the bank verification for the time being.

When verifying the address, make sure the address and name of your google adsense account match the ID that you uploaded. If it is not appropriate, replace the biodata in the settings menu according to the name and address on your ID card in detail starting from your full name, street address, house number, RT, RW, District, Regency, and State include other information so that the post office It's easier to find your home, such as including a description of the characteristics of the house and also including your cellphone number in your home address.

Overcoming Google PIN Not Coming

When you have filled in everything needed for address verification, there will be a display to fill in the PIN in the form of a number with 6 digits. The PIN is not sent via email but directly in the form of envelopes, therefore you have to be patient to wait for the PIN to come to your house. Usually the arrival limit is 2-4 weeks depending on the location of your home and filling in your home address.

If at that time the PIN has not arrived, the first step you have to do is to go to the sub-district post office and ask the relevant officer if there is a postal service from Google? no confusion. This step sometimes works sometimes it doesn't, depending on the postal officer at your location. If your postal officer understands then the officer will immediately look for it without asking the receipt number in the post from google, but if the officer does not understand it, you may be asked about the receipt number and this is what makes you fail because the post in the form of a PIN, there is no receipt number so the postal officer will not serve you.

If this happens to you, don't worry because you can still resend the PIN by making sure every address you use is as I explained earlier. I've experienced this, after I checked it turned out that apart from my very short address, it only showed the road without any information on the house number, it also turned out that my location was still in England, not in Indonesia.

Just wait one more month, God willing, within that time the PIN will come from the complete home address. My experience with this second PIN verification finally came after a month. I'm a little worried because one day before the arrival of my PIN, I could apply for a new PIN and it turned out that the next day my PIN came on the second submission. After I ventured to try and enter the PIN it worked and it worked. From that, I think it is possible and every submission of the first, second and third digit PIN sent by Google Adsense is the same.

What if it doesn't come after three times of resending the PIN?, some sources say you can ask google adsense, you will be directed to upload your identity again and there will be an incoming email showing successful address verification.

That's how to deal with a PIN that doesn't come. The point is to be patient and keep working in between waiting for a PIN from google adsense. That's all and thank you very much, hopefully useful. Amen.
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