Database Is A Collection Of Data That Can Be Easily Managed And Accessed, Check Out The Details!

Database Is A Collection Of Data That Can Be Easily Managed And Accessed, Check Out The Details!

MR JIM : Database is a term that is not only known by IT circles : However, until the government began to use the term database. This is due to the impact of increasingly advanced technological developments.
In this digital era, all parties and agencies are required to use a website-based system to a mobile application to facilitate services.
Of course, in making a website or application, you really need a database to store data.

Understanding Databases

Database is a collection of data that is stored systematically and has a relationship with each other so that it can be managed easily through an application.

The data stored in the database can be processed or manipulated by utilizing a software or application to generate information.

Database is a very important part in information systems, websites, and applications, because the database is like a warehouse that stores a lot of data.

In this warehouse data can perform its functions such as building relationships between tables, avoiding data duplication, and preventing unclear relationships between data.

For example, you want to build an online store website.
Automatically there will be some data that will be displayed on the online store website, such as images, descriptions, product videos, product price information, and much more.

This data will be stored in the database .

“Can I save the data on the computer? It's the same, even safer."

If you only store data on a computer or locally, it means that the data cannot be accessed by the public or users.
Storing data on a computer is safe because anyone can't access the data, but wouldn't it be useless if the website that was built couldn't be accessed by the user?

Well, for that comes the name database.
By utilizing a database, all types of data on your website can be stored on one server.
How much data is stored, can be adjusted to the capacity of the hosting or server that accommodates the website.

Multiple Database Functions

Apart from being a data management, the database has other functions that can help and make it easier to handle all kinds of needs related to data.

There are several other database functions include:

Can Identify Data Quickly

Through a database, you can design all your data needs, from tables, attributes, to creating relationships between tables.

By doing a design like the one above, when you have to identify data, it can be done quickly.
The process of identifying data is also known as "grab data" or retrieving data.
How to retrieve data in a database? Of course with Query.
Database queries are requests for information retrieved and received from the database.

Query is used as a programming language that is able to manipulate data, delete, add, and change data.
So, when there is a request for data information can be provided quickly according to the query made.

Centrally Manage Data

By using a database, all types of data can be collected in one place, for example on a hosting server or Cloud VPS.

So, you can manage data easily and more effectively.

Eliminate Data Duplication
The database system is designed to avoid or minimize duplication of data.

When there is duplication of data, surely new data cannot be stored in the database and the database system can provide error notifications to the database administrator.

More Secure Data

A database is a collection of data that is collected together in a system, which means it is easier to protect against irresponsible people.

Maybe at first glance, from a security point of view, storing a database on a device is more secure than on a server.

But actually not you know Articlens! When you save the database on the device if an error occurs suddenly on the device, the database will be lost.

Unless you often do database backups and upload them to cloud-based storage (Gdrive).
It is different when you store the database in hosting or Cloud VPS.

At This Article , you will be provided with a daily backup service, so the data in Article hosting will be backed up automatically.

In addition to backup services, there are features that can protect data in hosting such as Imunify360 protection.

Enabling Imunify360 protection is also very easy, you can follow the Imunify360 Guide on Hosting for Malware Protection.

Moreover, in Article's Cloud VPS, now Cluster Server technology has been implemented, in which there is a Triple Replication method.

Thus, if there is a problem with one of the physical servers, the data on the Cloud VPS is still safe and can run as usual.

Accessible to Many Users

When data is stored offline on different devices, to access a file, of course you have to contact the owner of the device first, right?

Well, it is considered less effective and inefficient.
Especially if you need data at the same time, of course you have to wait until other users have finished using the device.

With the database stored in hosting or Cloud VPS, anyone can access it easily, as long as they have access rights.

Database Component

After you know that a database is a collection of data that is stored systematically and interconnected, then you must know the components in creating a database.

The following are the components used in creating a database.


Data is an important or crucial component in creating a database.

What will be created in the database if there is no data?
In short, data are facts related to a particular object. For example, such as name, age, height, and weight. In addition to facts, data can also be images, text, files, pdfs, videos, and so on.

In creating a database, data is usually organized systematically consisting of databases, tables, records, and fields.

Usually, a database is a data store that is packaged in the form of a table.
In each table there is a collection of records or the contents of a table.
And in each record there will be a field that contains the data information.
For example, you want to create a sales database with a customer table and a transaction table as shown below.

Sales database is a database that stores every record and field in the customer table and transaction table.


To store the database, of course, requires hardware as a storage place.
Hardware is hardware used to store and manage data.
When you store data locally, the hardware used is computer, disk, memory.
Meanwhile, if you store data online such as a website, you can use a hosting server.


In managing databases, of course, you also need software to make it easier to manage databases.
For example if you store your database locally you will need web server software like XAMPP.

Database Management System (DBMS)
DBMS is an application used for system management or managing databases.

  • With a DBMS, you will find it easier to add or input, update, and delete data.
  • There are 2 types of DBMS, namely SQL and NoSQL.
  • Both types are used according to their respective needs.
  • Usually if you need a SQL database, you can use MySQL.
  • While requiring a NoSQL database usually use MongoDB.

Database Access Language

Database Access Language is a language used to access, add, update, and delete data in the database.
Usually database administrators write commands in the form of queries to access data.

Database Types

Database is a collection of data that is packaged in a systematic form.
Just like any other subject, databases also have several types of databases.
The types of popular databases you should understand include:

Relational Database

Relational database is one of the most widely used database types on websites and applications.
Relational databases are designed with tables that are interconnected with one another.
That's why relational databases still exist to be used by programmers.
Relational databases are known for 4 properties called ACID, including:

Atomicity . 

This property means that the database being built must follow the “all or nothing” rule. Every database transaction is said to be “atomic.” If one part of the database transaction fails, the entire database transaction will fail.

Consistency . 

Data can be restored in its previous state, if the database transaction process fails.

Isolation . 

This property requires that multiple transactions occur at the same time without affecting each other's execution. That is why the data being processed will be isolated from other processes until the process is complete

Durability . This property ensures that data can be stored in the system and its security is guaranteed.
For this relational database storage, you need an RDBMS or Relational Database Management System.
Generally using SQL or Structured Query Language.
SQL is a language used to identify data such as reading, creating, updating, and deleting data.
Contoh Relational Database: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, MongoDB, IBM DB2.

Distributed Database

Judging from the name, a distributed database is part of a distributed database storage system.

That means, the stored data can be distributed over a network.

Not only distributed, a distributed database also allows any data contained in the database to be transmitted to various user locations that have been previously determined.
For example, data in one company can stay connected and well-organized, even if the data is spread across multiple locations defined by the company.

There are several characteristics of a distributed database, namely:

  • The data stored in the database can be distributed to several places
  • Between databases with each other are connected through a computer network.
  • Distributed database refers to a database that resides in multiple places or locations.
  • Contoh Distributed Database antara lain Apache Ignite, Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase, Couchbase Server, Amazon SimpleDB, Clusterpoint, dan Foundation DB.

NoSQL Database

NoSQL is a subset of non-relational databases.
That means, the data that can be stored is not only in the form of tables, but also other types of data such as csv, docs and others.
This database is commonly used by websites or applications that accommodate data not only in the form of tables. But there are various forms of data.

The NoSQL Database Types are,

Key-Value Database . This type of NoSQL database can store data as keys. Besides being considered to have high scalability, Key-Value Database can also handle the volume of traffic on the data. Examples of this type of database are Amazon DynamoDB and Redis.

Document-Oriented Database . As the name suggests, this database stores and manages data as documents. This type of database began to be widely used. This is considering that there is a big data issue that is getting bigger and bigger. Examples of databases are MongoDB, Amazon DocumentDB, Apache CouchDB.

Graph Databases . Unlike before, this database is graph-based so that it stores data in the form of images or graphics, such as on social media. For example, Datastax Enterprise Graph and Neo4J.

Wide-Column Database . This type of NoSQL database stores data in the form of large columns. Wide-Column can handle data sizes up to PetaByte, making it suitable for supporting real-time big data applications. For example, BigTable, Apache Cassandra, and Scylla.

Cloud Database

A cloud database is a database that is designed and stored in cloud storage.
Like other cloud-based applications, cloud databases offer flexibility and scalability, as well as high availability.

Cloud databases are also often low-maintenance, as many are offered through the SaaS model.
Because this type of database is very flexible and highly scalable, therefore to use it, you have to spend a bigger pocket as well.

Given the increasingly advanced cloud technology and guaranteed security, cloud databases have an expensive price.

Contoh cloud database, Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Amazon Relational Database Service, Oracle Autonomous Database.

Database Warehouse

Database warehouse is a database system that is starting to be applied to companies that require data reporting and analysis.

Usually, a data analyst and BI analyst will process some raw data and enter it into the data warehouse.
That's because the database warehouse can store data from different sources and forms.
Examples of Database Warehouse are Microsoft Access (Office), Oracle.

MySQL and MongoDB Overview

MySQL is a SQL (relational database) database management system that is popular among programmers.

MySQL is known for its ease in designing and managing data.
This is because MySQL stores data that is entered in the form of tables and has a relationship between tables.

While MongoDB is an example of a NoSQL database that is also well known among programmers.
MongoDB can store large, varied and unstructured amounts of data.

Besides that, it can be used anywhere and by anyone, because MongoDB is open source.
Of course, there are differences between MySQL and MongoDB. The following are the differences between MySQL and MongoDB that you must understand.

In terms of the amount of data , for large, diverse, and rapidly growing data, it would be better to use MongoDB. Meanwhile, if the data is only on a small scale and not growing rapidly, you can use MySQL.

From a data structure perspective, MongoDB is suitable for unstructured data. While MySQL is used for structured data.

In terms of data format, MongoDB is in the form of JSON documents while MySQL is in the form of tables and rows.

In terms of performance speed , if the data is getting bigger using MongoDB is the right choice. Because if you use MySQL it will be slow in the data management process.

In terms of queries, MongoDB uses JavaScript while MySQL uses Structured Query Language (SQL).
From the schema side , with MongoDB you don't need to define data rules (schema) for example data types first. Whereas in MySQL you have to define a schema to create a table.

When to use MySQL or MongoDB? For use between the two, of course it depends on the needs of the website.

MongoDB can be used when encountering large amounts of integrated data. For example, having an online store that is full of customers, where every minute there are 100 customer data that enter.

Hosting Monster : Support MySQL Plus MongoDB!

Stay cool! All hosting at Article already supports MySQL. So if you want to try to store a website database on hosting, you can choose a hosting package according to your needs.

Each hosting at Article has its own specifications so that you are not confused about choosing hosting.
So, for those of you who want to use MongoDB, you have to choose a minimum hosting Monster package and above.
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